Conditions of Use at Fidosfun
AT TIME OF BOOKING - You will receive Booking Confirmation with keycode & Payment Receipt. If not received, please contact Fidosfun at the time of booking.
Please do not attend the Fields if your dog is showing signs of Kennel Cough or any Contagious Disease.
1. Please ensure you have chosen the correct date, time and field before confirming your booking. We have several locations. Our fields are named after the towns they are located at : Binfield, Wokingham & Finchampstead.
2. Cancellations are non refundable however we can reschedule your booking.
3. Rescheduled Bookings - 48hrs Notice is required and can be changed by logging into your member profile. Become a member and make rescheduling your booking easy.
Dates/Times can be changed by logging, the system is unable to change the field.
Please Only arrive 5 mins before your time. Please consider others and Park away from the gateway to enable the previous person to leave safely and
please do ALWAYS Leave on Time
ALWAYS - Pick up your dogs Poo and place in the Bins Provided.
This is for your benefit, who loves stepping in dog poo! Plus keeps the fields clean and tidy.
(NOTE : CCTV Cameras are in Action)
Please be courteous and polite to other customers arriving/leaving. (You will not be able to use our fields/Woodland if abusive behaviour is reported)
Owners MUST NEVER climb the Gates. This can damage the lock to the gate which stops them working correctly. Please ALWAYS close the gates when leaving. You are welcome to allow the next customer into the field, but we do ask that you check they have the correct keycode.​​
Customers/Dog Owners take full responsibility of their dogs whilst using Fidosfun Ltd and should have their own dog insurance to cover unlikely events. Fidosfun Ltd take no responsibility for lost/stolen/accidents or injury to animals/people/personal possessions.
BINFIELD FIELDS - Max 3 Dogs with 1 Person / Max 4 dogs with 2 people +
WOKINGHAM FIELDS - STRICTLY - 3 Dogs / 2 Cars at any one time.
Should you wish to attend with more dogs, please contact us by email.
Please ensure you have received your keycode before leaving home and not when you arrive.
Cookies must be accepted to allow your email provider to accept our booking confirmation.
​And above all - We hope that you have fun with your dogs and family!